Photo by Katarina Teodorovic on Unsplash

December Prose

Zuby Eusofe


Aftermath of adversity

Sat down listening to my surroundings

Brown noise, green noise

All colours are nice and soothing

But December comes too soon

Cause I had not enjoying the past three months

Or I could have blurred myself thru those months

The pain I went through consumed my awareness of those months

Never have I ever felt so achy in my stomach

Hearing the vileness from the people whom I don’t know

I should have blamed them for missing those months

Instead, I thanked them for their intolerance

I thanked them for their unkind words

For what they did had made me see who are the beautiful souls who will be there for me in times of adversity

That’s the only time you’ll know who are your angels

You shall be in my prayers for eternity



Zuby Eusofe

Zuby is activist, positive psychologist cat lover & writer . She is the Founder of The — A safe space for Muslims lgbt in Singapore.