Why There’s Dilemma on Hijab

Zuby Eusofe
5 min readMar 21, 2021

Why Muslim can’t stop talking about Hijab?
Through the lens of a lesbian muslim.

Spring Girls by Hasan Almasi

I started wearing hijab when I was 27, then in my 50s, I stopped.

Some people may think I am going senile for removing my hijab at this age. But I had learnt that hijab is more than just the piece of cloth that covers one’s modesty. To me, hijab is more than just a dress code. Hijab pertains to one’s definition of modesty and one’s perspective of being a righteous Muslim — to all genders. My hijab is about my moral ethics and my conduct, be it alone or around others, Muslim or not.

Before I go on further, let me reiterate that this article is purely within the capacity of my personal observations and my research about hijab. I value your patience and understanding in reading this.

The late Fatima Mernissi, a renowned Muslim woman scholar and feminist of the 21st century stated: “The most precious gift God gave humans is reason. Its best use is the search for knowledge. To know the human environment, to know the earth and the galaxies, is to know God. Knowledge (science) is the best form of prayer.”

And through reasoning, I have come to my own conclusions about hijab. It is my hope that sharing my perspective will help clear our conscience on hijab, and open the hearts and minds of all…



Zuby Eusofe

Zuby is activist, positive psychologist cat lover & writer . She is the Founder of The HealingCircle.sg — A safe space for Muslims lgbt in Singapore.