Sometimes I wonder….

Poem from a Queer Muslim

Zuby Eusofe
3 min readAug 15, 2020
“We exist from the Creator of Rahmatan-lil-’Alamin ~ Mercy to all Creations.”

Sometimes I wonder, if Muslims think that God gave us Islam

So that we would grow beards and trying to look like a saint

Sometimes I wonder, if Muslims think that God gave us Islam

So that man in Polygamy will be guaranteed Paradise

Sometimes I wonder, if Muslims think that God gave us Islam

When child marriages is still practiced by older man

Sometimes I wonder, if Muslims think that God gave us Islam

So that man can treat woman as a second class citizen

Sometimes I wonder, if Muslims think that God gave us Islam

To be overly concerned about what is halal or haram

Sometimes I wonder, if Muslims think that God gave us Islam.

So that we can say halal and haram profusely without any compassion for others

Sometimes I wonder, if Muslims think that God gave us Islam

So that we can judged people whether they are entitled to go to paradise or hell

Sometimes I wonder, if Muslims think that God gave us Islam

So that we can slander other Muslim who is not wearing hijab



Zuby Eusofe

Zuby is activist, positive psychologist cat lover & writer . She is the Founder of The — A safe space for Muslims lgbt in Singapore.