Why do Straight women have difficulty with Lesbian friends?

Zuby Eusofe
2 min readDec 28, 2022

Based on my personal observation

I am still had not get the actual momentum back into writing. But here goes….

Disclaimer: Before I start to write this, please take note that there’s no pun intended. However, I feel it is important for me to share this with you folx.

Ever since, I outed myself to my friends, especially straight women, they tend to be very cautious with me. For example, if I said that I want to meet up with them just to have a casual meet ups, at first, they will say: “Sure, that will be fine, let me know the time and dates.”

When you have set the appointment, two days or a day before, they will call and say, “Er…sorry I can’t make it.”

Now, some may say, I’m kinda sensitive but it becomes like a pattern especially for some cisgender, straight women.

Eventually, I end up to have lesser friends from that category.

Have you got that kind of situation before?

If you have, please share on the comment below, I would like to know more. It frustrates me when you’re just want to meet up with them because it’s been a long time we have not meet up, especially after covid.

Let’s be honest, I do not have a slightest thought or intention, into making them ‘bent’ or converted them to be ‘gay’ nor would I want them as my partner!



Zuby Eusofe

Zuby is activist, positive psychologist cat lover & writer . She is the Founder of The HealingCircle.sg — A safe space for Muslims lgbt in Singapore.